Clarion West Alumni News for June 2016

It’s one of the most exciting times of year here at Clarion West—Summer Workshop season!  Keep writing all summer long with your fellow writers and the Clarion West Write-a-thon. There are in-person and online events planned, as well as a prize drawing at the end of the Write-a-thon. Find out more and sign up today!

In addition to the Write-a-thon, Clarion West is holding a benefit event on June 26–an evening with one of the wisest and wittiest authors in speculative fiction, Connie Willis.  Space is limited and this event is likely to sell out, so sign up now.

We’ve also just announced an exciting lineup of One-Day Workshops for this fall:

Visit the One-Day Workshops page to learn more.


Caroline M. Yoachim’s (CW ‘06) story, “The First Snow of Winter,” is out now in Daily Science Fiction.

Jei D. Marcade’s (CW ‘11) story, “Communion,” has been published in PodCastle.

Curtis Chen and his wife at the Star Trek exhibit at the EMP

Curtis C. Chen (CW ‘14) is one of the featured interviewees in the new Star Trek Exhibit in Seattle.  The curator spoke to a variety of Trek fans about diverse topics, and you can hear excerpts in the mezzanine.  Curtis says, “The whole exhibit is great! Apart from the TOS Enterprise bridge, which is the centerpiece, I recommend crawling through the Jefferies tube, going on an away mission in the transporter room, and studying the comprehensive timeline of Trek history (including plenty of time travel).”

Greg Cox (CW ’84) just found out that his upcoming Star Trek novel, Legacies, Book 1: Captain to Captain, is also being released as audiobook.  The novel, which comes out in June, is Book 1 of a trilogy celebrating Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary.

“The Wedding Photographer,” by Robert Guffey (CW ‘96) is out now in the anthology, Postscripts #36/37 The Dragons of the Night. The anthology can be purchased at the PS Publishing site.

Sandra Odell (CW ‘10) interviewed Alasdair Stuart about podcasting, the future of Escape Artists, and more.

Patreons and Kickstarters

Rachel Swirsky (CW ‘05) has a new Patreon where you can support her work. Her first month was a fundraiser called “Making Lemons into Jokes” which raised funds for Lyon-Martin health services.

Michael R. Underwood (CW ‘07) ran a Kickstarter to fund the Complete Genrenauts Season One Collection, including Episodes 1-6 and special extras.


tour poster for Waypoint Kangaroo

Curtis C. Chen (CW ‘14) will be on tour for his book, Waypoint Kangaroo, in June and July.  See the Facebook event page for locations and more details.

Evan J. Peterson (CW ’15) will be teaching a speculative poetry workshop on June 18 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Katherine Dunn, author of Geek Love and one of the instructors of the 1995 Clarion West Summer workshop, died in May at age 70.  Jessica Riesman (CW ’95) said, “[S]he was charming and profane in equal measure, generous, dry, and very, very smart.” You can find out more about Katherine Dunn’s life in her obituary in Willamette Week.

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