
Your contributions provide a much-needed source of funds for our intensive Six-Week Writers Workshop, our year-round Classes and Workshops, and other author events for the speculative fiction community. By supporting Clarion West, you help support diverse, original voices in speculative fiction at the beginnings of their careers.

Become a Monthly Sustainer

When you become a monthly sustainer, you become a reliable source of monthly funding for our programs and workshops throughout the year. This is a powerful way to support our current and future endeavors, no matter the amount. To make an automatic donation each month to Clarion West, simply select the “Donate Monthly” option in the donation form.

Matching Donations

If your employer will match your donation, please let us know. Adobe, Bank of America, Boeing, Google, Microsoft, Pfizer, and many other companies will match your donations to Clarion West.

Donate by mail

You can mail your donations (and matching funds forms) to:

Clarion West
P.O. Box 31264
Seattle, WA 98103-1264

Clarion West is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to Clarion West are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN# 91-1352168.

Other ways to support Clarion West

  • Support the General Scholarship Fund or create a named Scholarship to help reduce barriers to the workshop.
  • Support an Instructorship! You can donate any amount today to the Clarion West General Instructorship fund, helping to ensure that we have the resources we need to recruit the very best instructors — no matter where in the world they hail from. Your donations have a critical impact on our ability to bring these talented writers, editors, and teachers to our workshops.
  • Wish list: Every summer, you can support the staff and students of the Summer Workshop by purchasing items to help them make it through the intensive six weeks. The wish list is updated with each new class once the class has been selected and surveyed.
  • Gifts of Stock: We are fully prepared to handle donations in the form of stocks. See the questions portion below to contact us.

Questions about bequests and donations of stock?

Please contact our executive director, Marnee Chua, at .

Become a volunteer

For over 30 years, Clarion West has operated one of the world’s premier writing workshops in speculative fiction. We do this on a shoestring budget, relying heavily on the efforts of our volunteers. We conscript volunteers regularly for one-day workshops, public readings, events, and database management. If you are interested in volunteering for Clarion West, please read our current volunteer offerings and let us know!

Why Support Clarion West?

Student tuition generates only a small portion of the money needed to run Clarion West each year. Without supporters like you, attending Clarion West would be out of reach for many emerging writers.

What our students say:

The Clarion West Workshop is a writing program that produces results. It lets writers who would have remained wordless gather courage and find their own voice. It allows them to write stories only they can write. Consequently, they make the world a better and richer place.
“The workshop changes lives while keeping its tuition low. That means it relies on financial and social support from the literary community and its alumni.”
Usman Malik
Class of ’13
“Clarion West takes great efforts to keep its tuition as low as possible and provide scholarships to students in need of financial support. Currently, tuition covers less than half of the organization’s operating budget. If you can, please consider donating to support Clarion West. Your help might make that difference for one of next year’s students. And every little bit helps. Sometimes small things can have very large effects, sometimes very small things make a very big difference. And in the life of a writer, Clarion West makes a very big difference.
Ann Leckie
Class of ’05
“For me, Clarion West was the strange, marvelous catalyst that prompted me to realize that I could be a real writer. Thanks to Clarion West, I’ve published more than 50 short stories, been nominated for the Hugo Award and the World Fantasy Award, and won the Nebula Award for Best Novella. I’m not alone. Recently, a 2012 Clarion West graduate wrote to me, comparing the workshop to Camelot: something beautiful, ephemeral, and unique.
“Please consider consider writing a check and dropping it in the mail, or making a donation online. Help share Camelot with a new generation of writers.”
Rachel Swirsky
Class of ’05