Online Novel Writing Workshop FAQ
This workshop is designed for writers who are serious about completing their speculative fiction novel and are ready to commit to nine months of focused work.
Who can join the workshop?
This workshop is for speculative fiction writers who want to finish a novel. What matters is that you want to get to the end and need support and structure to get there.
What do I need to submit when I apply?
You will need to complete the application form, which gives us an idea of who you are as a writer, what you are looking to get out of this program, and basic logistical information. We also ask for a sample of your writing, preferably relating to the novel project you would like to complete during this workshop.
A note on submission materials: We know writers approach noveling in many ways. Some start with a few chapters or a short story that overgrew its word count, get halfway through without a plan, and aren’t sure of what to do next; others have a complete outline and rough sketches but lack the momentum to get going (or finish) the draft. Don’t stress too much over the approach or shape of your submission materials. We just want to know that you A) have a novel idea and B) have put some work and thought into it.
This is not a novel concept brainstorming workshop, though you may spend some time brainstorming with your cohort about your novel.
That said, we are a small staff and want to allow ample time to evaluate all the materials submitted, so we ask that you submit no more than 10,000 words of material.
Can I apply using my … short stories/screenplay/napkin notes?
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept coffee-stained napkin notes as part of your submission materials! That said, we are open to the many ways authors may approach their novels, including writing screenplays first, expanding short stories or novellas, and more. If you’re concerned, please reach out before applying.
What if I write YA/Children’s Books?
Fiction for all ages is welcome. Please be willing to read and give feedback on all work, not just adult or YA/kid fic.
Fun fact: Samit Basu has written for children, so you’re in good hands!
How long does the workshop run, and what’s the schedule like?
The workshop runs for nine months, from March 10–November 17, 2025. It’s divided into three sections.
Section One (March 10 – May 26, 2025)
Section Two (June – August 2025)
Section Three (September 1 – November 17, 2025)
During sections one and three, you will meet weekly on Mondays from 6–8pm Pacific time for class, led by Samit and the Clarion West Workshop Staff. You will also have monthly check-ins with Samit Basu. Finally, guest instructors will drop in throughout the workshop. We will do our best to schedule these based on student and guest availability. We will record sessions for those who aren’t able to attend live. Office hours and writing sessions with staff are optional.
During section two, you will work more independently on progressing your novel. We will continue to support you with office hours and working sessions hosted by our staff. You will also be able to schedule one-on-one check-ins.
What is the time commitment?
We’ve designed this program to be a reasonable addition to writers’ existing lives. You shouldn’t have to take a leave of absence from your job or abandon your children with your spouse to participate. Our goal is that you develop a sustainable writing practice that allows you to flourish as a writer while being a contributing member of your community.
That said, we encourage you to budget at least 3–5 hours a week for writing and/or reading the work of others (and any assignments), in addition to the two hours of class time weekly from March to May and September to November. The more time you can give your writing, the more you will get out of this class.
We can’t state the exact time commitment for all participants in the cohort. Writers read, write, and work at their own speeds. We know FOMO is real, but dropping out midway would be even more disappointing for all of us!* We ask you to realistically assess your current life commitments and determine if this would be a reasonable addition to your responsibilities.
*We also know that life happens, so if, for some reason, you aren’t able to continue with us, we will do our best to help you transition to independent work! We will not be able to issue a full or partial refund, however.
What is the schedule? Is attendance mandatory?
While every writer’s life has unique demands, we recognize the importance of a writing community in getting and staying motivated. You will get the most out of this workshop by attending as many sessions as possible.
We expect all participants to attend the weekly classes held Monday nights from 6–8 pm Pacific Time, from March to May and September to November, and meet one-on-one with Samit Basu once a month.
Writing Sessions and Office Hours are optional, as are guest lectures. We will do our best to accommodate everyone when we schedule guest speakers, but we will record them in case you miss them. We will also work with the cohort to schedule writing sessions and office hours that match your availability.
How much support will I get from the instructor and fellow writers?
You will have weekly one-on-one meetings with the instructor during the first and last thirds of the workshop. In between, there will be opportunities to meet with our workshop staff and your cohorts during office hours and writing sessions with the cohort’s availability in mind.
At various points, writers in the cohort will be grouped by genre/interest, scheduling preferences, or other variables to work together.
What’s the cost?
The supporting tuition for the Novel Writing Workshop is $2,800. This rate enables us to continue to pay our staff and instructors equitably and support access for others in a different financial situation.
The Helping Hands tuition is $2,300 and has been set for anyone under more limited economic circumstances, regardless of background.
All accepted applicants must make a $250 deposit by January 15, 2025, to hold their space.
Is there a payment plan?
Tuition can be paid at once or split into two monthly installments.
If you make installments, the first monthly payment is due February 1. The final payment is due March 1.
Are any scholarships available?
Thanks to a generous donor, we will be able to provide two free access seats for writers of the Global Majority (PGM) or those identifying as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC), in keeping with our commitment to equity and inclusion. There will be a place on the application to let us know that you are eligible and would like to be considered for these seats.
We are continuing to look for additional need-based scholarship funds. There will be a place on the application to let us know if you are interested in receiving any of these funds, should we be able to provide them.
I would like to help provide scholarship funds for this workshop! Who do I talk to?
First, thank you! Clarion West is a nonprofit and we rely heavily on donors big and small to provide programming and access for writers. If you are interested in supporting additional scholarships, please email us at .
Do you focus on specific genres, or is it open to all?
This workshop is aimed at speculative fiction writers. That’s a large umbrella for many genres and subgenres, including all flavors of fantasy, science fiction, horror, magical realism, and more! You should fit right in if your novel includes a strong element of the fantastical or the future.
What can I expect to gain from taking this workshop?
Ideally, a finished novel, but we can’t guarantee it! Even if you don’t reach ‘The End,’ we hope you will walk away with a solid roadmap. We want you to gain structure and a better understanding of your writing values and how to make a process that meets your writing goals. Finally, we aim to help you find community support among other writers in your cohort. As the saying goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”