Clarion West Alumni News for July 2016
We’re now deep into workshop season here at Clarion West—this year’s students are hard at work during these intense six weeks. There are still a few more readings in our Summer Reading Series on Tuesday evenings, and we hope you’ll join us!
The Write-a-thon is also still in full swing, and we hope you’ll stop by and sponsor a writer or two. While you’re on the Clarion West site, you can also check out our upcoming One-Day Workshops.
Alumni, if you have news you’d like to share with the Clarion West community, send it to . We want to hear about both personal and publishing news, and we love pictures. News received by the first of each month will be included in that month’s Alumni News.
Dominica Phetteplace (CW ’07) has won a Barbara Deming Memorial Fund grant for her novel, Project Empathy.
Ann Leckie (CW ’05) won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel for Ancillary Mercy.
Usman Tanveer Malik (CW ’13) has been nominated for the British Fantasy Award, for his novella “The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn.”

David D. Levine‘s (CW ’00) first novel, Arabella of Mars, will be published by Tor on July 12! There will be copies for sale at Westercon (6/30-7/4), where he’s the Fan Guest of Honor, and he’ll be reading and signing in Portland (7/13), San Diego (7/15), Los Angeles (7/16), New York City (7/20), Bainbridge Island (7/28), and Seattle (7/29). See for details. Please check David’s site for more details and updates—due to family medical concerns, these signings may be rescheduled or canceled.
Robert Freeman Wexler‘s (CW ’97) story, “Darkness, and Darkness,” is out now in Postscripts 36/37/The Dragons of the Night.
In August 2015, Ron Drummond‘s (CW ’87) story, “Planck’s Pleroma,” was published in Issue 19 of Eleven Eleven, an international journal of art and literature published by the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. In October, he gave a public reading of that story at Buffalo Street Books in Ithaca, NY. Additionally, he has two pieces in recent issues of The New York Review of Science Fiction: “Unsettled Reflections on Michael Bishop’s ‘Rattlesnakes and Men’” (Sept. 2015 issue) and “Unsettled Reflections on David Hartwell” in the special Hartwell Memorial issue. Five more pieces—a short story, a myth-telling, a dream-telling, and two essays—are forthcoming in the feminist-themed, women-helmed anthology, Encyclopedia Vol. 3 L-Z, published by Encyclomedia.

Alyc Helms‘s (CW ’12) second novel, The Conclave of Shadow, will be coming out from Angry Robot on July 5, 2016. The Conclave of Shadow is a supernatural caper adventure in the style of “Ocean’s Eleven” or “Escape from Alcatraz,” and the second in her Adventures of Mr. Mystic urban fantasy series.
“Magnifica Angelica Superable,” by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz (CW ’09), appears in the July 2016 issue of Lightspeed.
Nancy Jane Moore (CW ’97) has a story titled “Until We Are All Free” in The Shadow Conspiracy III, published by Book View Café.
“Wise Child,” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (CW ’73), was published on in June.
Robert Guffey‘s (CW ’96) story “Destroy All Monsters” will be appearing in the fall issue of The Mailer Review.