Clarion West Alumni News for October 2015
It’s the time of year when people in the Seattle area are apparently collectively obsessed with squash and the weather has begun to cool off after a record-breaking summer. Here at Clarion West we’re hard at work behind the scenes, getting ready to open applications for the 2016 Six-Week Workshop as well as announce some exciting One-Day Workshops for the winter.
We have one more Fall One-Day Workshop still open for registration: “If It’s Real, Show Me” with Hiromi Goto. Goto taught for our Six-Week Workshop in 2014, and we’re so glad to have her back for this workshop in engaging the senses of the reader.
If you know a writer who might benefit from the workshop experience, please let them know that applications for the 2016 Six-Week Workshop will be open in December. Most of our applicants hear about the workshop by word of mouth.
Alumni, if you have news you’d like to share with the Clarion West community, send it to .
Pedro Domingos (CW ’94) has just had a new book on machine learning published, titled The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World. Domingos is a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, and was interviewed about his new book by UW Today.
Jack Nicholls (CW ’11) has just had a story published at Beneath Ceaseless Skies: “Flying the Coop.”

Sean Klein’s (CW ’01) novella “Fury Said to a Mouse” is now available via Oloris Publishing.
Jei D. Marcade’s (CW ’11) new story “The World in Evening” is now live at Strange Horizons.
Caroline M. Yoachim (CW ’06) has her first short story collection, Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World & Other Stories, coming out from Fairwood Press in 2016. The title story from the collection, “Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World,” is in the September issue of Lightspeed. Her story “The Little Mermaid of Innsmouth” is out in Drabblecast as part of their Lovecraft month. Have you ever wanted to hear Caroline sing a Lovecraftian parody of a Disney song? This is your chance—she recorded a song for the end of the podcast episode.
Vicki Saunders’ (CW ’09) story “Carpe Chelonian” is now up at Three-Lobed Burning Eye.

Rajan Khanna’s (CW ‘08) second book, Rising Tide, will be released in October. It’s a sequel to his first novel, Falling Sky.
Mark Pantoja (CW ’11) has a new story up at GigaNotoSaurus titled “Body Corporate.”
Evan Peterson (CW ’15) has been busy since the workshop ended! He is now covering arts and music for The Stranger, his Week 4 story “The Moon and the Devil and the Ace of Wands” was accepted for the Myriad Carnival anthology, and he was commissioned to write an article for the “Queers Destroy Horror” issue of Lightspeed. He has also just signed a book contract with Lethe Press for a memoir about dating and sex in a not-so-post HIV world, tentatively titled The PrEP Diaries.
Jenni Moody (CW ’11) has a flash story called “How to Break Up with Your Zombie Boyfriend” published in Issue 1.2 of Strangelet.
James Robert Herndon’s (CW ’12) story “Bodies Are the Strongest Conductors” is now published and free to read in Strange Horizons.
Henry Lien (CW ‘12) was interviewed for Juliette Wade’s “Dive into Worldbuilding” series. The video can be viewed on YouTube, and touches on kung-fu figure skating, food as cultural identity, and much more. Usman T. Malik (CW ‘13) has also been interviewed for the same series. If you’re interested in worldbuilding, they’re both thought-provoking videos to watch.