Clarion West Alumni News for September 2016
Welcome to the September edition of the Clarion West Alumni News! Our fall One-Day Workshop series are now open for registration:
- September 18: When Worldviews Collide: Character as Conflict with instructor Susan Palwick
- October 9: Voice and Diversity with instructor Nisi Shawl
- November 20: Rewriting and Revisioning with instructor Cat Rambo
- December 4: Integrating Character, Plot, and Worldbuilding with instructor David Levine
We’re already preparing for Summer Workshop application season! More information about applications for 2017 will be released in the coming months. If you know a writer who might want to apply for the workshop, we have an article on our website that goes over when, why, and how to apply.
Alumni, we want to hear from you. Send personal and publication news to ">. We’d love to feature pictures of meetups of CW class members as well—feel free to send them to us.
Curtis C. Chen‘s (CW ’14) story, “Like a Ghost I’m Gonna Haunt You,” was published in August in Daily Science Fiction. He was also the content editor for the August edition of “Puzzled Pint,” a free monthly worldwide event. The puzzles were Star Trek themed, to celebrate the show’s 50th anniversary, and are now available online for anyone to play and share at the Puzzled Pint website.
“The Art of Deception,” a novelette by Stephanie Burgis (CW ’01), has been selected as a finalist in the 2016 WSFA Small Press Short Fiction Awards. It was originally published in the Australian anthology Insert Title Here, and is now also available as a standalone ebook. Her second historical fantasy novel for adults, Congress of Secrets, will be published by Pyr Books in November. This book is a sequel to her novel Masks and Shadows, published earlier this year and now available for purchase at your local bookstore.
“Atavistacular,” by Marlee Jane Ward (CW ’14), will be appearing in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue 64.
Tegan Moore‘s (CW ’15) story, “Epitome,” was published in the September issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, and her story, “How High Your Gods Can Count,” was featured in Strange Horizons in May. She is also learning how to whistle.
Amy Wolf (CW ’92) has sold her fantasy series, The Cavernis Trilogy, to Red Empress Press. All three books will be published in 2017. She also has a story forthcoming in the Arthurian anthology, After Avalon.
Lora Gray (CW ’16) has a short story titled, “Shadow Boy,” in the September issue of Shimmer.
Jude-Marie Green‘s (CW ’10) story, “A Superlative For Goodbye,” appeared in Ad Astra in August.
Alexander Berman (CW ’14) wrote and directed a digital pilot for Disney Channel, “Virtual High.”
Sandra Odell‘s (CW ’10) story, “Iridescent,” was published in Triangulation: Beneath The Surface.
“The Gatherer of Sorrows,” by J. M. Sidorova (CW ’09), will be published in the anthology Science Fiction by Scientists in September.
Caroline M. Yoachim (CW ’06) was interviewed for John Scalzi’s blog series “The Big Idea.” Her story,”Exquisite Corpse,” was published in Daily Science Fiction in August.
Curtis C. Chen (CW ’14) will be appearing at a pair of events in San Francisco on September 10. He will be at Borderlands Books with Patrick Swenson (CW ’86) at 1 p.m. and at Writers with Drinks that evening. See the Macmillan site for more details on times and locations.
Nisi Shawl (CW ’92) is going on book tour with her novel Everfair. She will be appearing in cities across the United States—see for her schedule, and come out to see her.
Seattle-area Clarion West alumni met up in August for drinks and critiques. Around the table, from left to right: Yang-Yang Wang (CW ’14), Tod McCoy (CW ’10), Meghan Sinoff (CW ’06), Vicki Saunders (CW ’09), Randy Henderson (CW ’09), Betsy Aoki (CW ’16), Evan Peterson (CW ’15), Tegan Moore (CW ’15), and Curtis C. Chen (CW ’14).
If you’ve met up with classmates or other Clarion West alumni, we’d love to see pictures! Send them to "> and we’ll publish them in the Alumni News.