Clarion West Alumni News for November 2016
Here at Clarion West, we’re busy preparing for Summer Workshop application season. If you know a writer that might want to apply for the workshop, let them know that applications open in early December, and the application fee is discounted for early applicants. See the Summer Workshop page for more details.
We have two more Fall One-Day Workshops still open for registration:
- November 20: Rewriting and Revisioning with instructor Cat Rambo
- December 4: Integrating Character, Plot, and Worldbuilding with instructor David Levine
Register today—these are both going to be fantastic workshops.
Holiday shopping season is approaching! Head over to our Facebook page to learn about an easy way to support Clarion West through your online purchases via Amazon Smile. You can also purchase a gift certificate to a One-Day Workshop for that special writer in your life (or for yourself!). Contact "> for details.
As always, we want to hear from alumni! Send your news, personal and professional, to ">.
Alex Filipowicz (CW ’16) was a top-5 finalist in Omnidawn’s Fabulist Fiction Contest.
Anil Menon (CW ’04) is on the shortlist for the Hindu Prize for his novel Half of What I Say.
Publications has acquired two novellas by Margaret Killjoy (CW ’15). The first novella, “The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion,” will come out in ebook and trade paperback in 2017. Margaret also recently had a story appear at “Everything that Isn’t Winter.”
E. Lily Yu (CW ’13) has had several stories come out recently: “The Gardener and the King’s Menagerie” in Bracken; “Paul Flitch’s Slap-Bang Fight with Mister Delusio” in Daily Science Fiction in September; “The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight” in Uncanny; and the forthcoming “Darkout” in Cyber World, edited by Joshua Viola and Jason Heller. Cyber World also features stories by Cat Rambo (CW ‘05) and Nisi Shawl (CW ‘92).

Stephanie Burgis (CW ’01) has just had her novel Congress of Secrets published by Pyr.
Adele Gardner’s (CW ’04) novelette, “Zoey Loves Zombies,” appeared in the anthology Less Than Dead, and her story “The Witches’ Bridge” appeared in the anthology Virginia Is for Mysteries, Volume II. In addition, four of her speculative poems have appeared in 2016: “Boots’s Boy,” in Star*Line; “My Superwoman” in Devilfish Review; and “Starshine” and “Peelings” in Scifaikuest. One literary poem, “The Lake at Evening,” appeared in the print journal Blueline. Adele has also had some audio editions of her work appear recently: “Wolf Call,” a story other CW ’04 alumni might remember in its first-draft form as “The Wolf in Me,” is available as a podcast from Third Flatiron Publishing.
Two poems by Adele and her father, Delbert R. Gardner, for whom she serves as literary executor, appeared in StarShipSofa: “The Meek Shall Inherit . . . (The Earthworm Speaks)” by Delbert R. Gardner and “God’s Cat” by Adele Gardner. Adele has also had five photographs in art shows so far this year, one of which won honorable mention. In addition, Adele is in the process of redesigning her website,, which should be revamped online by the end of October.

When the World Wounds by Kiini Ibura Salaam (CW ’01), a collection of short stories, just debuted and is now available for purchase at your favorite local bookseller.
Evan Peterson’s (CW ’15) poem “Kishotenketsu for Mars” appeared in the Seattle Review of Books in early November.
Lawrence Schimel (CW ’91) has had several new translations appear recently. His translation of Argentine author Teresa P. Mira de Echeverría’s “Terpsichore” appeared at Strange Horizons as a special bonus content during their recent fundraiser. His translation of Mexican writer Raquel Castro’s “Last Night I Didn’t Dream at All” appears in the special Nightmares issue of UK magazine LITRO, and his translation of Spanish author Pilar Adón’s “Aerial Plants” appears in the special Tribute to Stephen King issue of Palabras Errante.
He translated six different pieces appearing in November 2016 at Strange Horizons as part of their special tie-in issue for the Eurocon being held in Barcelona this year: the novelette “Gracia” by Susana Vallejo”; a short story titled “Esmeralda” by Tamara Romero; and the poems “Microtherapy” by Sofía Rhei, “Short Icelandic Saga” by Antonio Rivero Taravillo, and “Supernatural Tongue” by Estíbaliz Espinosa. He also translated an interview for that same issue between Elia Barceló & Ricard Ruiz Garzón.

Diana Rowland’s (CW ’98) new novel Legacy of the Demon was published in October.
S. Qiouyi Lu (CW ’16) has a story in the forthcoming anthology Fitting In: Historical Accounts of Paranormal Subcultures.
Katrina S. Forest’s (CW ’09) anthology, The Poisoned City and Other Stories, launched on Amazon in October.
Anne Toole (CW ’11) has a short story, “Lions on the Mississippi,” in the anthology Altered States of the Union.
Neile Graham (CW ’96) has three poems in The Cascadia Subduction Zone’s April issue, now available to read in PDF. Her poem, “Spell for the Gleaning of Water,” was published as the first poem in the inaugural edition of Twisted Moon Magazine.

Laurie Penny‘s (CW ’15) novel Everything Belongs to the Future is now available at your local bookseller.
Chinelo Onwualu (CW ’14) has a story in West Branch Wired titled “The Night Market.”
Michael R. Underwood (CW ’07) has launched Genrenauts Season One Collection, collecting the first season of his serial Genrenauts in one volume.
Greg Beatty’s (CW ’00) poem “Prayer Causes Stars” was reprinted in The Best of Abyss & Apex, Volume 2.