Clarion West Alumni News for April 2017
Welcome to the April edition of the Clarion West Alumni News! This month, we have some stunning alumni publication announcements, as well as news of awards.
The Clarion West Class of 2017 has been announced! We’re in the throes of preparing for the Summer Workshop once more, getting all the details settled. Look for announcements in the coming weeks about the Summer Reading Series and the Summer Workshop wishlist.
We have two more spring One-Day Workshops: Level Up as a Writer, with instructor Randy Henderson, on May 21; and Landing the Gut Punch: Finding Emotional Resonance in Fantastic Fiction, with instructor Helen Marshall, on June 4. If you’re in or near Seattle, we’d love to see you for these six-hour intensive workshops!
Alumni, if you have news you’d like to share with the Clarion West community, send it to . We want to hear about both personal and publishing news, and we love pictures. News received by the first of each month will be included in that month’s Alumni News.
Indrapramit Das (CW ‘12) is a finalist for the 29th Annual Lambda Literary Awards for LGBTQ speculative fiction for his book The Devourers.
David D. Levine (CW ’00) is a finalist for the Oregon Book Award for his novel, Arabella of Mars.
Two Clarion West alumni are on the Honor list for the James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award: Andrea Hairston (CW ‘99) for Will Do Magic for Small Change and Nisi Shawl (CW ‘92) for Everfair.
Indrapramit Das (CW ‘12) has a new story out in Lightspeed: “The Wordless.”
E. Lily Yu’s (CW ’13) story, “The Wretched and the Beautiful,” was published in February in Terraform.
Two Clarion West alumni were featured in March in the “Nevertheless, She Persisted” short fiction event for International Women’s Day on Nisi Shawl’s (CW ‘92) story “More than Nothing,” and Kameron Hurley’s (CW ’00) story “Our Faces, Radiant Sisters, Our Faces Full of Light!,” were published as part of an exciting series of flash stories on March 8.
Andrea Hairston (CW ’99) reviews Kiini Salaam’s (CW ’01) When the World Wounds in LA Review of Books.

Randy Henderson’s (CW ’09) third novel, Smells Like Finn Spirit, was published by Tor Books in March and is now available at bookstores everywhere.
“Auspicium Melioris Aevi,” by J. Y. Yang (CW ‘13), was published in Uncanny Magazine in March.
Cae Hawksmoor’s (CW ‘16) story “Civitas Sylvatica” appeared in Reckoning, a journal of creative writing on environmental justice, in March.
Sandra M. Odell’s (CW ‘10) story “Meat” appeared in Pseudopod at the end of March. Her story “The Absolute Temperature of Outer Space” appeared in Cast of Wonders in the same month.
“Stay,” by K. C. Ball (CW ‘10), appeared in Podcastle in March. The story was read by Tina Connolly (CW ‘06).