Alumni Call for Submissions 2018: Flash Fiction

We’d like to announce a special, never-before-seen Clarion West call for submissions. We’re looking for speculative fiction flash fiction written by alumni for use in our publicity efforts, and we’re paying pro rates.

What we’re looking for:

We are open to speculative fiction (SF/F, horror, slipstream, etc) of no more than 500 words written by alumni of Clarion West. Both original work and reprints are accepted, but reprints must be clearly stated, including any work that has been made available online or in print elsewhere, including self-publishing. As these stories are for our broader community, their families, and the general public, we ask that you limit the use of violence, explicit language, and sexual content.

To submit:
• Please use Standard Manuscript Format, and make the attachment an RTF file.
• Please use the following subject line for your submission: “Flash Fiction Submission: [Title]” where [Title] is the title of your story.
• Please email your story to as an attachment.

Cover letter:
• Your name/class year
• The title of your story
• Length (word count) of your story
• Your social media handles
• Whether you wrote this story as part of the Write-a-thon

We pay 6 cents per word on acceptance. For original work, we ask for first serial rights. For both original and reprinted work we ask for non-exclusive, indefinite archival rights, though the author is welcome at any time to request a story be removed from our use after one year. Stories may be used for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to: mailings to supporters and current and future donors; as postcards sent to funders, supporters and/or donors; or distributed at events. Stories will never be resold. Authors will be notified of exactly when and how stories will be used 30 days before they are made available. If a printed form of the story is made (e.g. postcard) we will provide the contributor with 10 copies for personal use/distribution.

The deadline for submissions is July 28, 2018, the end of the Write-a-thon. Bonus points if you are signed up for the Write-a-thon. We may extend the deadline at our discretion.

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