Announcing Clarion West Online Workshops

Clarion West is excited to introduce online workshops for our alumni and the broader speculative fiction community. We’re committed to offering further education to our alums and bolstering social and professional ties far and wide. Our aim is to create a series of workshops on diverse topics like those of our One-Day Workshops located in Seattle as well as longer-running courses that will provide opportunities for ongoing critiquing relationships.

Our pilot workshop this fall will take place over the course of a day on November 10 and offer students the opportunity to craft speculative worlds with N. K. Jemisin. In a lecture format, a group of students will meet digitally for a two-and-a-half-hour class and work with Jemisin to develop a world in which they can home their stories.

This course on November 10 is our first foray into online workshops. We hope to offer more online programming in 2020. If you are interested in being the first to know about our future online offerings, please email us at .

We’ll be planning more online workshops open to the broader community, as well as workshops for alumni to develop extended critique groups under the guidance of professional authors. If you are a Clarion West Six-Week Workshop alumnus, you can sign up for Worldbuilding: Macro to Micro with N. K. Jemisin here.

You can learn more about our on-site One-Day Workshops here.

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